सत्य (satya)
Satya or truth refers to being true and consistent with reality in one's thoughts, speech, and actions. It is a vow to not lie and to speak the truth. The principle is a normative transcendent standard for immanent thoughts.
अहिंसा (ahiṃsā)
Ahiṃsā or nonviolence refers to not causing harm to other living beings. The severance of vitalities out of passion is injury. Because thought gives rise to action, violence in thought merely precedes violent behaviour.
प्रमाणिकता (pramāṇikatā)
Pramāṇikatā or authenticity refers to the avoidance of any form of dishonesty, deception, or misrepresentation. The principle extends to representing oneself or one’s organization in sincere, honest, and unaffected ways.